Gematria, also sometimes spelled Gammatria or Gematrya, is a form of numerology prevalent in study and understanding of the Hebrew Bible. It assigns numerical values to words and phrases and is commonly used as a tool for deciphering the hidden meanings held within Biblical text. The history of gematria decoding can be traced back to ancient Kabbalistic Judaism, as it has been used for centuries to uncover secrets held within scripture.
The origin of gematria began with Kabbalistic Jews utilizing the Hebrew alphabet's numerical values to gain insight into their own spiritual teachings. The gems consisted of assigning numerical value to each letter of the Hebrew alphabet. Gematria decoding was then used by Jewish scholars in order to discover hidden meanings in biblical text and other esoteric writings. By looking at a word or phrase, they could determine not only what it meant literally but also how it could be interpreted symbolically by assigning it a numerical value based on its letters. This allowed them to make deductions about what was being said on an occult level, thus unlocking its deeper metaphysical implications.
In modern times, gematria has become popular among conspiracy theorists and "Bible Codes" enthusiasts who make use of it for understanding complex religious concepts or uncovering cryptic messages from scripture. Skeptics often cite gematriac calculations as evidence that suggests the presence of supernatural forces in scripture-based command structures, while believers suggest that events revealed through awareness of gematriac calculations demonstrate guidance from God. Regardless of how one views the subject, gematriac methods remain commonplace today and continue to be studied by students of religion and numerology alike.
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